Day 14: Mo' Dreams, Mo' Money, Mo' Problems

Just before waking up I had two really weird thoughts. One was that I had millions of dollars to do with as I pleased. The other was something about.. pheromones and taking a piss.. but the first one was slightly more enjoyable. I dreamt about not having to clean my apartment, I could just throw money at an army of maids and get them to do it. I dreamt about getting to live where I wanted, whenever I wanted. I could visit friends and family whenever. I could use the money to further my career (as either an author or a software developer.. or both.) and I could have all these things.

Then a strange thought popped into my head. There was a point when I had millions, and that's when I was playing diablo 3. I had more money than most of my friends had (lucky drop turned into about 6 million gold and I was on cloud nine for a while) And then.. I ended up spending most of it. I realized that.. in order to get more gold I had to invest in myself. I had to use all my resources to get better armor, get better weapons, etc.. in order to boost my main character up in stats to be able to play more inferno content. I realized right then and there that money (and any increase in money) doesn't really change you it just changes how you solve certain problems.

I hate cleaning.

I would much rather be doing anything else on the planet than clean. It's a terribly bad habit that I've formed over the last.. oh.. two decades. But that's what it is. I hate cleaning. And so if I had the resources to pay a maid service week after week, of course I would do it. The justification being, any time spent not cleaning is time spent getting work done. (If it's not.. I'd be wasting my money.) It has to all go back to investing in oneself.

Getting to travel and live where I wanted. That would be helping to change my environment. From a psychological perspective, it would help me in my endeavor when everything was still new and unseen. Seeing all the things I've wanted to, visiting the people I want to.. that's motivation to be successful. That's investment in self.

There are some who might think what I'm talking about is selfishness. True, people have to be a bit selfish in this world otherwise they die. (Total selflessness being something of a deadly practice, since all you have or own or want is given away. Especially in my case, without my technological needs, I starve to death and die.)

I sorta hit the nail on the head with the last line. Using my money to further my career.

Speaking of that.. what the fuck is my career again? I think the best tag line I thought up was: "Question Marc, Keyboard for Hire." That's basically the jist of it, isn't it? I need a keyboard and a way to get my stuff out there (internet) and I need the computer that keyboard is attached to.. but.. what else am I if I don't have those things?

... I'm sometimes good at math.

Yeah... this is basically all I've ever wanted to do. I guess worst case, I could start writing code/stories by hand. (Sending code by mail seems like a really funny concept.) But, being a self employed contractor right now. Having a contract that I enjoy. I love it. I like being freelance. I like setting my own hours. Having time to do what I want, when I want.

I love the challenge. I love having time to write. I love being free. I love where I am (where I am on a personal level). Even if my apartment is an absolute wreck right now.

Total Camp NaNo Word Count: 2155


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