The 10 Minute Story: events on a farm with regards to a storm brewing.

Missy made a loud moo in my general direction. I could swear sometimes she’s smarter than I give her credit, but then she has a vacant stare while she chews on some cud.

“Yeap, the storms coming girl. Weather man says it’s gonna be a biggin’ so you’re goin’ into the barn.”

Another moo pierces the still air as a small dry wind begins to pick up. I taste and smell the changing humidity.

“It’s comin on faster than they said. Come on stupid cow, hurry up and get inside.” I get to pushin’ her and pullin’ on the collar. I try to lead her with some hay or some fruit. She doesn’t budge. “You’re the last one. Don’t you want to join your friends?” After just a few seconds a lightning bolt pierces the sky, one second the sky was slightly cloudy, the next a dark cloud was a few miles from my barn. And then the light from the next bolt sends me to the ground. The sound was so loud I could swear it hit me. But instead I look up and see the roof of the barn has caught fire.

The cows start to make a riot and storm out from the barn. It’s been burning for a while and the roof collapses. I try to grab a hose and put it out. Missy is just standing right next to me. She moos at me again as I run back and forth with a pathetic drizzle of water. I realize that the rain has started. It pours and pours, the fire eventually goes out, and I sit beside Missy completely exhausted.

“There’s no way ya knew all that was gonna happen.”

Missy licks my face as beads of rain water wash down.


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