Day 15: Working Under the Influence

WUI. For those who are working from home, happily signing into remote servers or dropping their work everyday into a shared repository, these people get to do what they want when they want. See previous post.

But is it unethical for someone under these conditions to work as they please?

Put a different way: If I'm drunk at 4pm writing code (or blog posts or writing my current project) I'm not hurting anyone. I'm getting the work done under circumstances that may be completely ideal. I get to bring up my BAC so I can relax, get stuff done, making connects that I might not have made sober. But all in all... is it ethical? moral? is it ok? Whose permission am I seeking? Isn't freedom the ability to make my own calls? to make my own mistakes? And yet here I am wondering about the ethicalness of drinking on the job.

I mean, I write drunk. I'm pretty inebriated right now as I write this. But who can really say that I'm not working my best?

Is that me? Am I the one who can or can't say I'm working my best?

Neil Gaiman (hehe. I get to put his name as a tag now) said that we should do the things that only we can do. ("Make good art.") And I can't help but feel like that's not where I am right now. I feel as if I am selling a lesser version of my creative self. I'm selling the self that can code. Which at the end of the day is the person who can put a logic puzzle together for other people.

I think I need to leave computer science for good.

This isn't a matter of pride or of delusion. This is a matter of finding out if I'm any good. I need to write like my life depended on it. And I can't do that if my life has never depended on it. I always have programming as a fall back. I have the safety net. I need to remove it. Otherwise I'll never know if I'm any good as a writer. I'm not saying this is the best idea. In fact, it will probably be hallmarked as a mistake (ESPECIALLY by my family. God, fuck them.) but it's a mistake I need to make. I can't just sit around wondering what if.

Any sentence that starts with what if can be one of two things: it can be an excuse or a regret.

One should be ignored, the other should be countered with all the fury of a warrior. You can't just sit around and regret everything through life.

It's decided then. I'm gonna finish my contract and get out of computer science. No more code. I just can't do it anymore. It pains me with every step forward.

Life is not meant to be spent behind a screen. It's meant to be spent following a dream.


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