Day 3: Cheating Already

So, this kinda might be cheating (I wanted to create a space where I wrote just about my thoughts/opinions/dreams/life etc... but, no on lives in a vacuum), but I'm going to post something that a friend on facebook said. For the purposes of this post, I will edit slightly.

To whomever broke into [my significant other's] car and stole my [bag] by smashing in the back window: fuck you! The world would be better off if you got shot in the face. I cancelled all my cards before you could use them. Enjoy the 20 bucks in cash you got. This is why I will never vote democrat. If it was up to me all you shit bag piece of shit non contributors to society would just be killed. Fuck you. Karma will get you. Fuck you. Pardon my language.

Alright so. I read this today and, honestly I don't even know how to attack this. Do I ... do I make fun of the person in question? Try to lighten the stressful situation with humor? Do I point out the logical fallacies this person is trying to force feed us, just because they are having a bad day? Do I try to convince them that Fox News isn't the only propaganda channel in town?

Should I focus on the fact that Karma is based on energy that you put into the universe, not just on action? So for example, them saying all these hateful things is bad karma as well? (For that matter, is reposting or trying to decide what to do with the repost any better on the karmic ladder?)

Maybe I could talk about how after using the same curse word three times, they decide to apologize for language. That sorta struck me as a bit funny.

You know what? I don't think I can get away from it, I have to talk about this from a political perspective.

This post comes at us with anger and we feel sympathy towards the poster.

... At first.

Then for some reason we land on democrats, public opinion, and closed minded voting (all in the same sentence, no less. "That's using words economically," as an English teacher once said to me.)

I'm a bit funny when it comes to extreme generalized statements. I can't deal with them. When I see one, I have to find the holes in the statement. It's like a compulsive need. For example here, the author of this facebook status is telling us they will never vote democrat. Reasoning aside, my first leap would be to say, "So, on the one hand you have an evil overlord ruler of a Republican, who says that he worships death and ends every evening by slaughtering human beings for fun before enjoy some tasty baby's blood. And then on the other you have... Barack Obama. Are you honestly gonna tell me that you'd never vote for Barack because he's a democrat?"

Now granted my example is trite. It's got that sort of exaggeration that goes along with making a point. But the point was made all the same (even if it was just in my mind). If you say " will never " I just have to find a case where that is false. Then your argument is invalid. But lets move on from that and go into something a little deeper or scarier.

This person is about my age. About my same level of life experience (hell, they may beat me out in some of the exp levels) but I just can't see myself being so delusional as to think voting democrat somehow creates non contributing members of society. And... that those non contributors also go around stealing things. Like as if the democrats are a crime machine, turning out criminals like instant noodles.

Scene 1:
A mother is standing by the microwave oven, she pulls out a package from a cupboard and places it in the microwave. She then hits some buttons and it turns on. Son walks in from background.

    "Hey Mom, I'm starving. What's for dinner?"

    "Not what, dear. More like -who- is for dinner."

    "You don't mean..."
    "That's right, sweetie! Instant criminal!"

Scene 2: As announcer describes tasks for instant criminal, push slides across screen to show visual examples.

    "Instant criminal. The only microwavable person creation product on the market today. In just three easy steps: add water, stir, and three minutes time in the micro wave, you too can have your very own criminal! Your instant criminal can do many different things for you. Like: Break into cars, break into houses or apartments, steal things that you covet, steal things for revenge, take inappropriate photos for black mail, black mail, arson, drug dealing, and with our latest recipe, rape and murder! Get your instant criminal today."

Scene 3: Son on the ground getting stabbed over and over, blood pooling on the ground and on the knife held by a large man hunched over the boy. Mom covered in blood spatter, her smile never fading.

     "Thanks Instant Criminal!"

Remember kids: vote democrat, or our instant criminals will kill you in your sleep.

Or steal your bag.


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