Day 1: Apples and Beginnings

Ah Apple. The pinnacle of usability, ease of computing, and price. For a very long time I thought that apple was the opposite of the old phrase, "You get what you pay for." To which I mean, I was not convinced that such a high price tag was indeed worth the ease that the computer gave. I sat around dealing with the small tricks and hacks I needed in order to get windows to do what I wanted. I just accepted that having a development environment that was sometimes wonky, didn't have the power and flexibility of command-line prompts (like unix/linux) with a clean UI that just made sense. For a long time I sat around and hated Mac, blindly and ignorantly.

Then I got a new job as an iOS developer. Naturally, I would have to purchase a Mac in order to work as an iOS developer. So, took the time to grab a Mac book pro and have been using it for two days now.

... Holy fucking hell.

I'm fairly certain that there is no better computer for development on the market. The OS? Clean. The ease of use? Higher than any other OS/Environment on the market. The computer itself is great, even though the price tag is a huge bite in the ass. I don't think I've loved a computer as much as this Mac.

I think I have been converted. And for better or worse, I think that I am completely OK with it. Using my Mac has gotten me incredibly productive. Perhaps this is just the shininess of it all. And maybe it'll all wear off in a couple weeks and I'll mellow out a little.

But God I hope not.

PS New technology smells awesome.


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