Day 12: Paladin

Eva muttered and shook against the shackles. The chains rattled around filling the room with a metal grating sound. It really got me on edge when she did that.

"Why can't you just behave?"

"They walls are talking. I don't like when they're talking." I rolled my eyes at her and pulled her forward, yanking the chain that gagged her around the neck.

"Come on, Eva. We have work to do."

"I like work. Work helps me keep away the voices."

"I'm sure it does, kiddo. Are you ready?"

Eva nodded vigorously, almost succeeding at separating her scalp with her neck. "Pineapple."

Whatever that means. I nodded to her and began the mantra. "Whom so ever is broken..."

"...Can be fixed." As the words left her mouth her eyes grew a deep blue from their normal brown. Her hair turned to white and she floated just a few inches from the ground.

"Whom so ever seeks help..."

"...Shall receive it." I press the button to release her chains. It's a thing of beauty to see a paladin in action. Their movements are flawless, they see everything around them, they know what lies in your soul. It's like watching an angel doing God's work. It's how I've always felt about it. "On the twentieth story, there is a man. He is one of the broken."

She was gone, with a slight trail of light showing me where she went. I ran up the stairs, slowly but surely making it up the twenty floors to get to the door, already ajar. She grabbed onto the man's face, and she sealed her lips to his. I saw the darkness that spewed from him. It was like a large tentacled mass that lashed out in all directions. There was a high pitched scream that broke the glass in the room just before she consumed it.

Silence. Eva's hair turned back to it's dark raven color. His brown eyes darted back and forth and she looked up at me. "I did well?"

"You did well." I said, patting her on the head and linking her chains back to her neck and arms. We left the room, the man calling out to thank us. Eva looked back to wave, and for a moment she looked kinda happy.

It hurt to see her that happy.


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